
Game is one of the most popular industries nowadays. With the game being created every minute and relayed through TV, radio, and the internet, the updated news on a game is already old by the next morning. And, that's why game publishers such as Steam created a website to help the user obtain the most updated information about games at the ease

So, game lovers of Steam are reading news and info on games at the convenience of their work desktop or mobiles. The traffic of the news online services is rewardingly high. As we could run ads and generate a good amount of money. 💰

UI design

We are making a Steam app store, kind of, ours will be better. Our inspiration for this website is from Steam, however, you could choose to either make an exact clone of it or freestyle as you like. (🚀 it is more challenging to create an EXACT clone).

Steam original

Steam demo

Honorable submission

Here are good submissions from past students 👍 Hieu Trung Nguyen

To have dynamic and up-to-date data in our application we often use API services from others. The good mentors of CoderSchool created this API service to help us get the latest news of the game deployed Steam API.

Right now eventhough API seem like the rabbit from hats, later on in the course you will be able to create APIs just like this one.

You are expected to be able to find your way through this API by reading its documentation.

Our suggested design

Simplified sketch

Here is the Link to the mockup


Make your own

This is just an example. You could choose any design that you one or create one yourself using Excalidraw, an easy-to-use mockup tool, to sketch out the initial UI design. Go wild 🔥.

User Story

As a developer, you will get familiar with the term "User story" at the beginning of any project. It describes what the user will be able to do/see with the application. User story sections are different from project to project, however majority of them will format like this :

  1. User see a list of games from the API in any format (list, gallery, ... )
  2. User can see the game initial info (image, title, and price ...) in each item
  3. User see Search input box
  4. User able to Search for games by app name
  5. User able to see the search results
  6. User See list of all genres (category)
  7. User able to filter games that match the genre and tag buttons that clicked.
  8. User sees the website with a clean UI design.
  9. User can view the website in an IphoneX screensize

User can click any game item in the gallery to see detail of only that selection's detail (name, tags, description, price, developer...) replacing the current gallery.

There are 2 ways to make this happen. Redirect to a new HTML page and replacing the HTML element of the current page:

  1. The first method envolving creating a new .html and .js page that will be render when an a tag is clicked. The challenge of this approach is passing the appId from the original script.js & index.html to the new .html & .js file so that the later duo could make the api request with correct appId for examples: https://someApi/appId/{appId}. Find more infomation about the window object mentioned in the lecture videos as well as look into the window.location property document to find the solution.

This is the conventional way to render an item detail page in web development.

  1. The second one envolving creating a new html element to replace the current display of the page. for examples: main, body, .gallery. The challenges of this approach are:

This is NOT the convential way to render an item detail page in web development. However, this is still an aceptable solution for this assignment and also a method to see how React would render a component of a page.

What you'll practice

This project challenge is designed to test your understanding on :

How we grade your project

You will start the assignment with 100% and will be deducted upon missing any feature. Our passing grade for this assignment is 80%.



- 5%

Missing rocket 🚀

- 5%

Missing any of other user stories that are not rocket

- 5%

Clustered UI

Good luck have fun coding!