
Newspaper is one of the most popular and required assets of our daily lives. And, in today's hectic world, reading a newspaper has become one of the traditional ways of reading the news. With the news being created every minute and relayed through TV, radio, and the internet, the updated news is already old by the next morning. And, that's why newspaper and magazine publishers are struggling to keep up with the pace. Change is needed and publishers must embrace digital news.

So, magazine and newspaper lovers are moving towards reading news on a work desktop and the go mobiles. The revenue model of the news online services is quite simple and rewarding. They run ads and generate a good amount of money.

Cited at Appinventiv - 2020

UI design

Our inspiration for this website is from Google News, however, you could choose to either make an exact clone of it or freestyle as you like. (🚀 it is more challenging to create an EXACT clone).

Google News original

Google news demo

Backend API

It is ridiculous to manually update news content to our website every time a piece of news emerged around the globe. Fortunately, the good people on the internet created many free and up-to-date news API services to help us get the latest news. There is a joke that if you could think of it, there must be an API for it. To practice our front-end skill in building this news application, We'll use the News API to get data into our web. You are expected to be able to find your way through this api by reading its documentation Here

Design tool

Since we could freestyle our way to create the UI for this website as long as all the requirements are meet, here is an example of a simpler version. We use Excalidraw, an easy to use mockup tool, to sketch out the initial UI design.

simplyfied sketch

The actual website

Simplified UI Website

User Story

As a developer, you will get familiar with the term "User story" at the beginning of any project. It describes what the user will be able to do/see with the application.

The actual fully functioning website

What you 'll practice

This project challenge is designed to test your understanding on :

How we grade your project

You will start the assignment with 100% and will be deducted upon missing any feature. Our passing grade for this assignment is 80%.



- 5%

Missing rocket

- 5%

Clustered UI

- 10%

Missing responsive

- 20%

Missing any of other user stories that are not rocket

Don't worry if you fail this assignment at first , second or n tries, as we allow unlimited attempts.

Good luck have fun coding!