Cascading Stylesheets (CSS) is the code that you use to style your website.

Anatomy of a CSS ruleset

This whole structure is called a ruleset. A ruleset consists of:

The important part of the syntax:

Selector type



Element (or Tag) selector

HTML elements of the specified type

p or li or h1

ID selector

The element on the page with the specified ID. On a given HTML page, each id value should be unique.

#my-id selects <p id="my-id"> or <a id="my-id">, to select the p element use p#my-id

Class selector

The element(s) on the page with the specified class. Multiple instances of the same class can appear on a page.

.my-class selects <p class="my-class"> and <a class="my-class">, to select the a element use

Attribute selector

The element(s) on the page with the specified attribute.

img[src] selects <img src="myimage.png"> but not <img>

Pseudo-class selector

The specified element(s), but only when in the specified state. (For example, when a cursor hovers over a link.)

a:hover selects <a>, but only when the mouse pointer is hovering over the link.

Pseudo-element selector

The specified parts of an element

p::first-letter selects the first letter of paragraphs


Combine selectors in order to target elements

article > p {} selects paragraphs that are direct children of <article> elements

Common selectors and combinators





Universal selector

Matches any element


Type selector

Matches any element

A, B

Compound selector

Matches elements A and B


Descendant combinator

Matches B only if it is descendant of element A


Child combinator

Matches element B that is a child of element A


Next-sibling combinator

Matches element B that immediately follows element A, where A and B share the same parent


Subsequent-sibling combinator

Matches element B that is preceded by A, where A and B share the same parent

Common pseudo-element selectors





Pseudo-element selector

Inserts generated text at the beginning of the specified element and applies a style to it.


Pseudo-element selector

Inserts generated content at the end of the specified element and applies a style to it.


Pseudo-element selector

Selects the first letter of the specified element.


Pseudo-element selector

Selects the first letter of the specified element.

Common pseudo-class selectors





Tree-structural pseudo-class selector

Selects an element that is the root of the document. In HTML, it is the html element.


Link pseudo-class selector

Specifies a style for links that have not yet been visited.


Link pseudo-class selector

Specifies a style for links that have already been visited.


User action pseudo-class selector

Selects any element that has been activated by the user, such

as a link as it is being clicked.


User-action pseudo-class selector

Specifies a style for elements (typically links) that appear

when the mouse is placed over them.


User action pseudo-class selector

Selects any element that currently has the input focus, such as

a selected form input.


Structural pseudo-class selector

Selects an element that is the first child of its parent element.


Structural pseudo-class selector

Selects an element that is the last child of its parent element.


Structural pseudo-class selector

Selects an element that is the only child of its parent.


Structural pseudo-class selector

Selects an element that is the nth child of its parent. The notation can include a number, a notation, or the keywords odd or even.

There are three ways that style rules can be applied to an HTML document:


Some CSS properties by default inherit values set on the current element's parent element, and some don't. This can also cause some behavior that you might not expect.

Inherited properties:

It's common to apply a font-family to the <body> element. All the descended elements within will then inherit this font; you don't have to apply it explicitly to each element on the page.

Some properties do not inherit — for example if you set a width of 50% on an element, all of its descendants do not get a width of 50% of their parent's width.

The Cascade

Fundamentally, CSS is about declaring rules: Under various conditions, we want certain things to happen. If this class is added to that element, apply these styles. If element X is a child of element Y, apply those styles. The browser then takes these rules, figures out which ones apply where, and uses them to render the page.

Each rule may be straightforward on its own, but what happens when two rules provide conflicting information about how to style an element? The cascade determines how conflicts are resolved, and it's a fundamental part of how the language works.

Absolute & Relative units

Absolute length units are fixed to a physical length.



Equivalent to



1cm = 96px/2.54



1mm = 1/10th of 1cm



1in = 2.54cm = 96px



1pc = 1/16th of 1in



1pt = 1/72th of 1in



1px = 1/96th of 1in

Relative length units specify a length in relation to something else.


Relative to


Font size of the element.


Font size of the root element.


1% of viewport's width.


1% of viewport's height.


1% of viewport's smaller dimension.


1% of viewport's larger dimension.



function lets you do basic arithmetic(+, -, *, /,) with two or more values. This is particularly useful for combining values that are measured in different units. For example

:root {
  font-size: calc(0.5em + 1vw);

The 0.5 em here operates as a sort of minimum font size, and the 1 vw adds a responsive scalar.



function allows the use of variables. In this example, we define a variable named --main-font for the whole page, and apply it to all p elements:

:root {
  --main-font: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  --brand-color: #369;

p {
  font-family: var(--main-font);
  color: var(--brand-color, blue);

The var() function accepts a second parameter, which specifies a fallback value. In the example, if the --brand-color variable is not defined, so the fallback value blue is used.

The box model

CSS layout is mostly based on the box model. Each box taking up space on your page has properties like:


box-sizing: border-box to specify width to include the padding and borders. By default, box-sizing is set to the value content-box (height and width only set the size of the content box).

Using universal



/* Applies border box sizing to the root element */
:root {
  box-sizing: border-box;

/* Tells all other elements and pseudo-element to inherit their box sizing */
::after {
  box-sizing: inherit;

Additional Reading