There are many definitions about programming, mine is: " Programming is us teaching problem-solving skills to the computer to utilize its computation power and work on our problems. In the meantime, we could be lazy "

There are four important keys in that definition :

For example, imagine a Youtube developer who manually adds video to the platform every time someone around the globe adds their cat's moment. Then imagine another Youtube developer, teach the computer to see every cat/dog/human video as, well, simply a video. So every time someone adds a video, that video will be uploaded. Who earns more? You guess it right, the latter dev earns more than $100,000 a year while the other one does not exist.

In web development, the role programming (JavaScript) is illustrated below HTML CSS JS

In the early days of programming, there were no programming languages. A computer uses Binary as their communication means by using the value of 1 and 0. So at the low level, to print out a "hello worlds" text to this website you are reading, the code may be like this:


Scary isn't it? But programming has been evolving to break down this language barrier, making programming easier to learn and more efficient to work. C#, Python, JavaScript and Java, are High-level programming languages. Each of them has 1 common purpose which is to translate more human-friendly languages into those machine languages that machines understand. Think of them as English in a conversation between multi-national members in a group.


Every programming language while having differences in syntax, structure, and rules, is sharing the same computer science concepts. There are a few basic concepts you need to remember. They act like building blocks. To build a tall tower, you start first by putting a block on top of the block. Here are some of the essential programming building blocks:

The secret of computer

There is only data on the computer. The computer understands, store and use data that are represented as long sequences of bits. Here is how computer stores number 13 : 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 Look at this Binary values table:

value : 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
binary: 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1

This is a way computer store a :

Values and data types

These are some values :

"abc" "as" "d" "c"
123 345 15 5 

In programming, we group different values into types, often called data types. Different languages will have more or fewer types but in general, these types are :

This course focus on JavaScript, so here is the list of the remaining data types that we will learn Null, undefined, symbol, BigInt, Object.

For the following section, we will use typeof, a JS operator that helps us identify the data type of a given value. The structure

// typeof <anyValue>
typeof 3
typeof true
typeof "true"

Practice exercise

To get your hands on these concepts, try to use some value on your browser console.

Example output typeof

The simplest explanation for the variable is that they are name tags we bind to values. By binding value and name together, we can store and access data more efficiently.

For example , in calculating Gravity force of our beloved Earth, we have the value 9.80665. Given a rocket launch program that use this value many times. (The example below is not a real rocket launch algorithm, please do not attempt to try make your own rocket.)

//vroom vroom
~~ 3.14 + 9.80665
~~~~~ 3.14 + 9.80665 * 34 + 3^2
~~~ 123 / 9.80665 - 56 + 1235 * 9.80665^4-1
~~~~~ 3.14 + 9.80665 * 34 + 3^2
~~ 3.14 + 9.80665
//vroom vroom

We could see that repeatedly typing 9.80665 into our code is not only a waste of time but also open us to mistakes and error. So how can variables help?

Delacre avariable

There are 3 things to remember when it comes to the variable:

//Making a variable called x and this variable could be re-bind / re-assign new value
let x 
//Assign/ bind the value 5 to x
x = 5 
// Call
// "Hey, return me the value of x"

Try this in your browser console to see the output.

let x 
<- undefined
x = 5 

Every time we hit enter on the console, the browser console will try to return to us some value. So if there is no value to be found you will receive undefined The steps are :

Anytime in our program, we could reassign a new value to x

//To save time, we could declare a variable and assign value in 1 statement
//Declare and assign
let x=5
//Reassign with new value

Sometimes, especially in our case with the rocket launch example, the value of our variable is a constant (Gforce, Pi, ...), meaning it should not change. To prevent accidentally changing these values, we will use the keyword const when declaring a constant variable.

const GForce=9.80665
//try reassign it
GForce = 0

The new rocket launch program will be :

const Pi = 3.14
const GForce = 9.80665

//vroom vroom
~~ Pi+ GForce
~~~~~ Pi+ GForce * 34 + 3^2
~~~ 123 / GForce - 56 + 1235 * GForce^4-1
~~~~~ Pi+ GForce * 34 + 3^2
~~ Pi+ GForce
//vroom vroom

In short, variables are name tag bind with value. let variables could be reassigned with new value while const variables can not be reassigned. To declare a variable and assign value we will use this structure let varName = value or const constant = value. Using a variable name is like "Hey machine, give/return to me the value of this name", you would receive a value. Calling a variable name, you will have its value

Naming rules and convention

"The hardest thing in programming is naming thing"

Imagine on our first day at work as a junior dev and have to work on this :

let x11y340 = 0.1
let m11i = 1000
let y = "$USD"
//return the total interest of deposit 

Would it be better if there is some more comment describing what is this variable does? like this :

//This is the interest rate of the bank
let x11y340 = 0.1
//This is the amount of deposit at Nov
let m11i = 1000
//This is the currency 
let y = "$USD"

let interest = x11y340 * m11i + y 

And would it be even better if we have this :

let interestRate = 0.1
let novemberIncome = 1000
let currency = "$USD"

let interest = interestRate * novemberIcome + currency

From those examples we could see that :

In addition :

let myVar = 9
let myVar = 8 
//ERROR myVar already declare
let mYvAR = "No error here"

We could see that myVar and mYvAR are 2 different variables names so there would be no issue.

let NotUseThis 
let not-use-this
let not.use.this
let not_use.this
let not use this

let beCalmAndJustCamelCase

Math: To perform math operation :

Variable Assignment

We have seen the = operator used for assigning value to a variable. Let take it a step further when an expression's result is the value to assign to a variable

For example , try in your browser console

let a 
let b = 5
a = b * 2

Compound assignment:

Equality comparision:

1 == 1 //true
1 != 1 //false
let x = 1 
let y = 1
x == y // 1 ==1 // true
x != y // 1 !=1 // false

let number = 14
let numberString = "14"

number == numberString // 14 == "14" //true

let number = 14
let numberString = "14"

number == numberString // 14 == "14" // true
number === numberString // number 14 === string "14" // false // number not equal to string

Comparison: We also could compare if values are greater than or equal to

Logical: We could connect many expressions by using :

let first = 1 == 1 // true
let second = "a" == "b" //true
first //true
second //true
first && second //true
1 == 1 && "a" =="b" //true && true // true

Another example

let first = 1 === "1" //false . strict-equal 
let second = true
first && second // false && true => false
first || second // false || true => true


Sometimes we want to perform an action based on some kind of condition. In English, we can say "If this thing is true, then do that." In JavaScript, conditionals are written very similarly and allow us to take a certain path in our program.

Check out this example codes to compare x vs y then assign answer to a result variable :

let x = 3 ;
let y = 4 ;
let result 
result = "equal";
result = "greater";
result = "less";
result // less

The following diagram shows the flow of execution of this script flow You could see that by default, your statements will be executed orderly from top to bottom. Your result variable's value will be updated with the lastest assigning, "less".

Even though there is no error to this, but we are having a logical issue since there could only 1 answer to the question :

This means that we want to control which result = statement to be executed and which to be ignored. In plain English, the instruction would be :

IF statement

To write conditional we will use If


The JavaScript code version of this is

let x = 3
let y = 4
let result
if(x > y){
 result = "greater"
if(x < y){
 result = "less"
if(x == y){
 result = "equal"

Using if give us the control of which statement should computer execute when giving conditions. The structure of an if statement is :

if (<an Expression>){
 //everything in here will be executed if the Expression is true

If...else statement

We often also use else to control what to do when the Expression turns out false. For examples :

let weather
let action

 action = "Netflix"
} else {
 action = "soccer"


If...else if statement

Another way to write our conditional logic is using if...else if. The reason we choose this structure is to also control some nested conditions when else is activated.


Here is the code

let x = 3
let y = 4
let result
if(x > y){
 result = "greater"
}else if(x < y){
 result = "less"
}else if(x == y){
 result = "equal"

The problem: Don't Repeat Yourself

Let's say we create a program to help counting starting from 1.

At its core, the logic will be


The console.log() is a function to help us print some value to the console. Print / display some value. Input any value or variable between (...) to print it to the console.

How about from 1 to 10


How about 100, 1000, or 10000?

You could see that the higher our limit is, the closer to impossible to make if we try to write each line of code manually.

Introducing Loop

A loop is a block of code that helps us to repeatedly run some logic. There are parts of the loop:

Don't be this guy :


For loop

Here is a structure of a for loop

for (iterator; exitCondition; update) {
 //logic to be loop

For example, this time using for loop to count from 1 to 3

for(let i = 0; i < 3 ;i = i + 1){

What we have done are :

By now you should be very familiar with these fundamental programming concepts