What You'll Learn

Demo website: https://fortuneteller.xvinh.repl.co/

Lecture Notes

The lecture notes can be found here: 📔 Slides - Precourse 4

Preview of the Final Product

We will make our own Magic 8 Ball game:

When the player clicks "ASK", a random YES/NO answer will be given:

The left panel is where you type your code. The console is where the result will be printed out.

let fruits = ["apple", "oranges", "plums"];

String values have to be wrapped inside quotation marks (" ").

As the index starts from 0, we can access the value of the first fruit in the array with fruits[0].

To print the fruit out, you can use console.log() like this:


You should see the result in the console:


To get a random number, we will use a built-in function of JavaScript called Math.random(). This function will return a random between 0 and less than 1 (i.e. 0.99999...).

Let's try it!


If you hit Run a few times (or copy and paste this line multiple times), you should see a different result each time.

So how do we turn these results into usable numbers? If we multiply them by 3 (or any number), we will get results ranging from 0 (inclusive) and 3 (exclusive):

If we just take the integer part of each number, then the results will be among 0, 1 and 2 (but not 3)! And we can use Math.floor() to round down these floating numbers to their integer values. For example, the result of Math.floor(5.95) will be 5.

Combining Math.random() and Math.floor(), we can get random integers between 0 and some number - 1.

console.log(Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)); // => will output a number between 0 and 2


First, we need a list of possible answers. A random one will be chosen whenever the player asks a question.

const answers = [];
const answers = ["Of course!", "Never!", "Possibly maybe..."];
function play() {
	// code goes here
function play() {
	// more code here


If you click run, you should see something in the console.

To get a random answer, we need to generate a random number between 0 and the array's length - 1.

const randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);

This randomNumber will be the index of our random answer: answers[randomNumber]


If you get an answer from your array, then great, it's working!

Your play() function should look like this at this point:

function play() {
	const randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);

We need to display 4 things on HTML:

  1. An image (so our website will look less boring)
  2. An input (which is only for show)
  3. A button
  4. A text box to show the messages
	<img src="..." alt="fortune teller" />
	<input id="question" />
	<button id="ask">BUTTON TEXT</button>
<div id="result">Answer will go here</div>

Now we want to execute the function play() that we define earlier in script.js. We can do that by adding an onclick event to the button:

<button id="ask" onclick="play()">BUTTON TEXT</button>

So whenever a player clicks this button, the play() function will run. Remember to remove play() at the end of the script because we only want to run it when the button is clicked.

You can't see the result because we haven't done anything with it yet. Go to script.js and add this line at the beginning:

let message = document.getElementById("result");

The message will now point to the div element with the id result. If you want to change the content, simply do:

message.innerHTML = "This is the new text content of result";

But when should we change the result content? When the player clicks the button! So let's go to our play() and add the line above. Instead of a fixed text, let's change it to what we console.log() earlier:

message.innerHTML = answers[randomNumber];

That's it! All that's left is to make it pretty with CSS. You can do it with what we've learned so far!

It's quite boring to just see the same 3 answers over and over again.

const randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);

Here's an example of the answers array:

const answers = [
	// NO
	"No, unfortunately...",
	"Heh, no way man!",
	"Not in this life time, sorry.",
	"Why, that's a NO from me!",
	"Just no.",

	"As far as I can tell, yes!",
	"A resounding YES!",
	"I'm sad to say the answer is YES.",
	"Sometimes I ask myself the same question, but the answer this time is YES.",
	"The signal wasn't very clear. It's probably a YES.",
	"Yes, your mother would agree.",
	"I can't believe it, but it's a YES.",

	"Oops, I lost contact with the oracle!",
	"Sorry, my magic internet subscription expired...",
	"I wasn't paying attention. What was your question again?"

Do note that because we put everything in the same array, the odds of getting any given line are the same. Therefore you may want to have an equal number of YES answers and NO answers (unless you want your game to be more likely to give out one answer type more than the other(s)).

Javascript projects:

Game projects: